For White Wednesday at Faded Charm, I thought I would write a post about my new acquisition. Yes, this Jonathan Adler horse bowl (from his Menagerie Collection) is mine. I am cheery indeed.
The first time I saw it was a couple of years ago. My daughter had just purchased it. I liked it, but I didn’t think too much about it. Soon after, I saw one in a photo online. (I apologize because I do not know the source).
I liked it even better. Then I found myself searching for them on the internet. I had no idea they were so expensive. So I knew I would never break down and buy one. Did that make me want one even more?
Every time I would visit her, I would stare at it. I thought maybe she would feel sorry for me. She didn’t.
I thought I might try threatening her. You know, the old Bill Cosby line “I brought you into this world….
That didn’t work. She knows Kung Fu.
So I was resolved to just stare…and want.
And then a couple of weeks ago, she asks me if she can trade her horse for a small elephant table of mine. Well, uh, ok, if you insist.
Maybe she was tired of me showing her my Iphone wallpaper every chance I could—a photo I had taken last year at her house.
Her babies (my babygrands), their computers and, what? Oh, look, it’s a white horse.