...am I? I've been getting that question lately. I sometimes wonder myself. With everything else going on in this journey called life, my computer has decided to act up. I was just getting ready to make my purchase of my new camera when my screen on my laptop went dark. So now, my computer must come before the new camera. The a/c just went out on our suburban (I don't understand why a/c doesn't last more than 180K miles anymore!) and it is HOT in Texas. So now the a/c must come before my computer. I'm talking priorities, people! My car has over 200K and its a/c is still working, and I have GLOBAL positioning, so I am counting my blessings!
Anyway, MOST of my inventory has been moved from a shop (thanks to my wonderful hubby who has been handling that end in addition to his regular job of 60+ hours per week) and I am handling the receiving end. And there are a LOT OF MILES in between. I must tell you there is a whirlwind of activity at my house with all the moving going on. And while my blogging may be taking a back seat for a short while, I can still get email and I can still (on a limited basis) access all of your wonderful blogs! I do have a lot to say and will be doing so. More to come...
P.S. Later I think I'll take my hubby on a cruise to thank him. Probably won't be AROUND THE WORLD, could be around the harbor. Heck, could even be around the lake, but a/c is a must.